Keepsake Films

Wedding Videography
Funeral Videography
A video to capture your loved ones celebration of life service is a great way to remember and share the funeral day. The proceeds can also be shared live through Live Streaming. This shares the moment to family and friends in real time, so they can be part of the proceeds with you.
The service is captured with two cameras to create an edited video with; ideal camera angle for the moment, colour correction on the video, audio synced and adjusted, as well as an intro to remember the day and setting.
Each funeral is unique and personal, so please feel free to contact us to discuss a plan or the filming required that suits you.

Meet & Greet
Lets meet (or phone/skype) for an obligation-free discussion about how we can best capture the funeral service
We can go through what you are expecting/would like to be captured and answer any questions you may have.

Service Videography
$1,290 inc.
This plan includes:
One videographer for the funeral service
An edited video including a short introduction to remember the setting of the day
Wireless microphone for real time linked to video
No time limit
Filmed in Full HD video quality
Edit slideshow photos into a video​

Service Videography
Live Streaming
$1,690 inc.
The plan includes:
Everything in the 'Service Videography' Plan
Live Streaming of the funeral service from one camera to anywhere is the world
Includes 4G data (if required)
Link to the saved video *
Ability embed the video on your own website *
* due to the many available methods/software/hardware to Live Stream through, this is subject to mutual approval But, we will do our best to ensure we work together to find the best solution!